Pioneers in Compressed Air               Call: 011 452 1706    

FRL units are installed in compressed air lines close to where the compressed air is used. This is to ensure that only clean lubricated air enters the pneumatic valves used for control purposes.

Filter Regulator Lubricator Units are used to ensure the air supply leaving a compressor is as pure as possible to keep equipment performing at optimum levels and to reduce wear.

FRL Air Preparation Unit
AFC2000   ¼"

Model AFC2000
Operating fluid Air
Port size G1/4"
Filter precision 40u
Pressure regulating range 0.05-0.85MPa(7-12psi)
Highest working media 0.95MPa(135psi)
Ensured pressure resistance 1.5MPa(213psi)
Operating temperature 5-60℃
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